Children's Cancer Connection

Children's Cancer Connection



About Us

Connecting families affected by childhood cancer by providing opportunities that encourage relationships and strengthen community.

Children's Cancer Connection is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting families in Iowa that have been impacted by a pediatric cancer diagnosis. We do this through:

*Compassionately supporting the entire family throughout the entire journey.
*Connecting families through support programs and outings at no cost.
*Committed to adapting to local needs for families for over 30 years.

In the early 1980’s the idea of a summer camp for kids with cancer was just beginning to shape. A handful of them began to pop up. The belief that children who were battling childhood cancer needed a ''normal'' childhood camp experience drove the camp movement.

In Iowa, Amanda the Panda was just forming, and they took on a camp, Camp A Panda, for kids diagnosed with cancer in Iowa. After two years, they felt a call to focus more on grieving children and families. Cancer Camp was going to end. Deli Lampe a former Amanda the Panda employee decided that the magic of camp needed to live on!

In 1987, the “loosely organized” group, lead by Deli Lampe, held the first camp under a new flag. In 1988, The Heart Connection was organized and filed articles of incorporation. That year, Iowa’s first sibling camp was offered. As a matter of fact, it was one of the very first of its kind in the nation, and it was right here in Iowa. Adele, “Deli” Lampe was founder and the first Executive Director.


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Rep/Contact Info

Maura .
Summer Evans
Director of Marketing & Communications
Jenny Harmeyer
Development Manager
Jennifer Hines
Chief Executive Officer
Sarah Jungers
Director of Development
Christina McCleary
Event Manager
Jourdan Reed
Camp Director