Dymin Systems / Computer Repair of Des Moines

Dymin Systems / Computer Repair of Des Moines


Business Services/SystemsCommunications/TelecommunicationsComputer/CablingComputer/ConsultingComputer/IntegrationComputer/NetworkingComputer/RecyclingComputer/SalesComputer/ServicesComputer/SystemsEnvironmental/Recycling

About Us

So, what makes Dymin different? What makes us stand out from the IT crowd? Well, we could start out with the fact that we were the first in the country to guarantee 24-hour repairs. Maybe it’s the fact that we give our business customers true IT management, instead of leaving them confused and scared with their technology. We have a passionate and driven team that deeply cares about technology and our customers. Rain or sun, night or day, whatever comes our way, we’re here to stay. We take pride in the fact that we’re giving our local community the best IT services and repair available!


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Rep/Contact Info

Mr. Scott Breitman
Val Cote
Chris Harper
Account Executive
Tim Harper
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Matt Helland
Procurement Manager
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Kayli Mernka
ITAD Manager
Jessica Weller
Sales Admin